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Prestashop Pretty URL Module

Crafting Beautiful URLs with PrestaShop: Your Guide to SEO-Friendly Links

Hello, fabulous readers! If you’re exploring the world of PrestaShop, you’ve probably come across the term PrestaShop Friendly URL. It’s a key player in making your website both user-friendly and search engine-friendly. So, grab a comfy chair, and let’s dive into the details of how you can leverage Prestashop URL Rewrite Module to enhance your online store!

What Exactly Are PrestaShop Friendly URLs?

Let’s start with the basics. What are PrestaShop Friendly URLs? Simply put, they are neat and clean web addresses that make it easy for both users and search engines to understand what a page is about. Instead of seeing a jumbled string of numbers and symbols, like, a friendly URL would look something like Isn’t that so much more appealing?

Friendly URLs don’t just look better; they also play a significant role in SEO. Search engines prefer URLs that are easy to read and include keywords relevant to the page content. This can help your site rank better in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you!

How Does the Prestashop URL Rewrite Feature Work?

Now, let’s talk about how to create these lovely friendly URLs using the Prestashop URL Rewrite feature. This handy tool allows you to change your URL structure so it becomes more user-friendly. You can find the URL rewrite option in the SEO & URLs section of your PrestaShop admin panel.

When you enable URL rewriting, PrestaShop will automatically generate friendly URLs for your products, categories, and other pages. Plus, you have the flexibility to customize these URLs to reflect the content accurately. Just remember, the goal is to keep them straightforward and descriptive!

Why Are Redirects Important When Changing URLs?

If you’re transitioning from standard URLs to friendly URLs, you might be wondering about the necessity of redirects. So, do you need to set up redirects? Absolutely! Setting up 301 redirects is essential when you switch to PrestaShop Friendly URL formats.

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect that informs both users and search engines that the old URL has moved to a new address. This way, anyone trying to access your old links will be automatically sent to the updated friendly URLs. Not only does this maintain traffic to your site, but it also helps preserve your SEO ranking.

Can Clean URLs Improve Your SEO Strategy?

The short answer? Yes! Clean URLs are a fundamental aspect of a solid SEO strategy. When you use PrestaShop Friendly URL, search engines can crawl and index your site more efficiently. Clean URLs often incorporate relevant keywords, which can improve your visibility in search results.

Additionally, user experience plays a significant role in SEO, and having user-friendly URLs contributes positively to that experience. People are more inclined to click on links that look clear and informative. Therefore, prioritizing clean URLs can lead to better click-through rates and engagement on your site.

How Can I Create Clean URLs in PrestaShop?

Creating clean URLs in PrestaShop is a straightforward process! Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Navigate to SEO & URLs: Go to your PrestaShop admin panel and find the SEO & URLs section.
  2. Enable Friendly URLs: Activate the friendly URLs option to start generating clean links.
  3. Customize URL Structures: Modify the URL formats for your products and categories to make them descriptive and relevant.
  4. Save Your Changes: Make sure to save your settings to apply the changes!

With these steps, your URLs will soon be sparkling and user-friendly.


Incorporating Prestashop URL Rewrite and PrestaShop Friendly URL into your online store is an essential step towards enhancing your SEO and improving user experience. By making your URLs clean and informative, you’re not only optimizing for search engines but also crafting a more welcoming environment for your customers.

So, take the plunge and give your URLs a fabulous makeover! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

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